Our Music Gallery
LKS2 have been using recorders this term to compose and perform a piece of music. They looked at music notation and began to read pieces of music and understand the representation of notes D, C, B, A, G on a stave.
Performing our composed pieces of music.
Pear Trees had lots of fun using musical instruments alongside dance music on the screen. We have lots of 'budding' performers in our midst :-)
Greenfields choir attended Young Voices at the O2 Arena. We sang with thousands of other children in an amazing venue. We were part of performances with MC Grammar and Natalie Williams. We spent a couple of hours warming up with the conductor David Lawrence.
Once we had our tea and the parents arrived, it was time for the main event! What a fantastic experience and a brilliant day!
Pear Trees played traffic light music. When the green card was held up, they started playing and when the red card was held up they had to stop! We practised playing with tempo (playing quickly and slowly) and playing with dynamics (softly and loudly).
Key stage 1 have been looking at 2 different artists (Lewis Capaldi and Taylor Swift) and have appraised a song from each. We looked at beats and created our own beats by clapping. We then listened to "Shake it off" and learnt how to clap the song and then added in some instruments to create a beat.
Lower Key Stage 2 have been learning the song "You'll be in my heart" by Phil Collins.They have been finding out information about Phil Collins using the internet.
"He has a daughter called Lily" Year 3 Pupil
They have been thinking about the instruments that they can hear when the music is playing.
They had to compose a piece of music using "instruments" from the classroom and perform them alongside "Trashing in the camp". They used visuals to help them remember how long they needed to hold their beat.
They performed their pieces of music to the rest of the class!
Cedar class have been using a website called Soundtrap to compose music to either sing or rap to. The children had some brilliant ideas about what topics they should sing/rap about:
"Rap song about slavery" Year 5 pupil
"No guns no violence" Year 5 pupil
The children worked in small groups creating their pieces and music and writing their lyrics.