Fox's Socks
This week our book was 'Fox's socks'.
During our learning time we created a winter paintings,
investigated the ice and tipping and pouring of
different water colours.
During adult led activities we looked at matching socks, we
designed our own sock and we made snowflakes for the season tree.
This week we looked at positional language such as 'on top',
'under', 'behind', 'in front' and 'next to'.
This week we were pirates, having to keep the ship
clean using different movements.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
This week we looked at the book The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
During our learning time, we explored building with outside equipment,
hanging up the washing and we used materials to express
different emotions.
Our adult led activities this week involved reading the book,
creating a goat face using different materials and
we looked at size ordering using different objects.
This week we counted 1,2,3 using different methods such as
jumping through hoops, singing and counting
This week we focused on ball control using our bodies
and pe equipment.
Chinese New Year
On Wednesday 29th January we explored Chinese New Year
by exploring Chinese writing and snack we tasted Chinese food.
Greenfield Greatness
For showing aspiration for exploring the environment
of her choosing.
Poo in the Zoo
Our book this week is Poo in the Zoo.
We explored our environment with bricks, cutting different materials
and balancing along beams.
Our adult directed activities this week we read the book,
we spoke about how to keep clean and used babies to investigate this and
we also used our fine motor skills to draw our favourite animal.
This week we looked at how numbers can be shown which
we used songs to explore this.
This week we had our last week of the obstacle course
which we continued to balance and improve core muscles.
Greenfield Greatness
For improving his welling by finding a way
to support his own wellbeing coming into nursery.
Three Little Pigs
Our book this week was 'Three Little Pigs'.
We explored our environment with ice, vegetables and dolls house.
We also had tipping and pouring with natural resources.
Our adult directed activities this week has involved looking
at different size bricks to build a house, we made pig face biscuits
using different ingredients and we also drew the characters
from the story.
PE Lesson
We completed an obstacle course using different
muscles and body parts.
We investigated different shapes and what they looked using words such as
‘sharp’, ‘pointy’, ‘curvy’, ‘round’ and ‘flat’,
Greenfield Greatness
For showing teamwork by settling in and becoming
apart of the Greenfields team.
January 2025
Our first week back
We have had a lovely first week back welcoming new friends, getting back
into routine and continuing our learning.
Our song this week was '5 little monkeys'.
While exploring outside this week with plenty of ice, snow and
cold weather we still made our new friends feel welcome and built relationships.
We used different equipment to move the snow from one side to the other
and created tracks using vehicles.
Our adult directed activities this week we sang the song counting along,
we created our own monkey story props and we went on a monkey
number hunt around the school.
Our first PE lesson with Mr Brooks
We used different movements to move around the hall
at different heights.
This week we looked at different stories and songs that
had repeating words and actions.
Greenfield Greatness
For showing resilience in taking part in our lunchtime routine
and continue to improve each day.
Christmas Week
This week we have had lots of Christmas craft, count down to Christmas and activities
within the classroom.
We went to the Christmas fair, we made reindeer food and we had our
Christmas party.
We also had a visit from some special this week who kindly
gave all the children a gift.
Wind the bobbin up
This week our song was "Wind the bobbin up".
During our learning time we explored different textures and
making marks, chopping skills and painting
on mirrors.
Our adult directed activities this week we made bobbins,
we sang the song and we practised our cutting skills.
Christmas activities
This week we had a Christmas craft stay and play, Christmas camp fire and
Christmas arts and crafts.
Boogie Tots
This week we had a special visitor come to our session 'Candy the Elf'.
We had festive fun, dancing like a penguin and the Grinch came
to visit.
Be brave little penguin
This week our book is called 'Be brave little penguin'.
During our learning time this week we washed up some pots and pans,
we drew on different textures outside and decorated our Christmas tree.
Our adult direct activities this week have been lots of movements and
being creative. We mad penguins using different resources,
we moved like penguins and we looked at the story.
This week we sang 'Goldilocks and the three bears' and we counted
how many bowls, chairs and bears we could see, counting them in order '1,2,3'.
Boogie Tots
This week we had boogie tots and danced along to the gingerbread
man story.
This week our book was 'Titch'.
During our learning time we explored spaghetti using scissors, the
outside area with sand and different vehicles. We also looked at mini me pictures,
we used paints on different resources and we investigated different types
of reading materials.
During our adult led activities we looked at the book, we explored different
size natural resources and we also created kites. Also
we played different size instruments.
This week we continued to count using songs to support this. We counted
forward and backwards. We sang '1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive' and
'Zoom, zoom, zoom we going to the moon'.
Boogie Tots
During our boogie tots session we were pirates walking the plank.
Guess how much I love you
This week our book was 'Guess how much I love you' book.
During our learning time we had lots of opportunities to explore
the outside area due to cold weather we had ice, rain and autumn leaves.
Also during our learning time we had different animals from around
the world.
Our adult led activities this week we looked at the book, we moved like different
animals, we collected natural resources to create a collage and we drew
something we loved.
This week we looked at number order and recognise numbers. We did this
through songs.
We had another boogie tots session this week.
Dear Zoo
This week our book was Dear Zoo.
During our learning time we looked at books, tipping and pouring
and building on different levels. The children also experimented
outside with different resources to create potions.
Remembrance Day
We watched a video which helped support the understanding of why some
people wear poppies and why we remember. We also had resources out to
explore poppies.
During our adult led activities we looked at the book and discussed what
animals we saw in the book. We also wrote letters to the zoo to ask for
an animal. Also we went to the theatre to see 'Dear Zoo' on stage.
For our maths this week we looked at AB patterns using natural resources.
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall"
This week our song has been 'Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall'.
We have had a few new friends start with us so we have
helped them explore the surroundings.
Outside we made ice creams using shaving foam and natural resources,
made our own train tracks and explored the leaves in the natural environment.
Our adult led activities this week we played musical instruments to
the beat of 'Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall', we protected the
egg by using different materials to see which one would
keep the egg whole and we decorated our own eggs.
Maths this week we looked at repeating songs and how words
are repeated in a certain way. We used musical instruments to
support recognising the repeating words and rhythm.
We also had a Boogie tots session, which involved dancing, singing and having fun.
"If your happy and you know it"
Our last song of the term is was "If your happy and you know it"
Our learning this week has involved exploring pumpkin tea, different books
and using cameras to see how the world looks.
During our adult led activities this week we learnt 'If your happy and you know it' and
created our own version of the song.
This week in Maths we looked at natural resources and what shapes we
can make using them and create a model. We also used recycled materials
to create a rocket.
This weeks book was 'Hugasaurs'.
We have explored our new bath tub with different reading resources
and materials. Experimenting outside with different root
vegetables, exploring the home corner and autumn tuff tray.
Our adult led activities this week involved going on a dinosaur hunt,
looking at our reflections and drawing how we feel and looking
at different real life emotion pictures.
Our maths this week, we looked at shapes and the difference between
big and small shapes.
The Ugly Duckling
Our book this week was 'The Ugly Duckling'.
We have explored building with mobilo, counting cubes, decorating bread with
different colours to enjoy for snack. We spent time in garden practising our
cutting skills.
During our adult led activities we read the book, we made duck food which
we took on our trip to Mote Park to feed the ducks. Also we listened
to 'The Ugly Duckling' song and created our own music.
Our maths this week, we went on a button hunt to see how many we
could find, which buttons did we have more of or less than.
That's not my dinosaur
This week we have been looking at 'That's not my dinosaur'.
We have explored mirror drawing, exploring different blocks, tipping and pouring
and walking along balanced beams.
During our adult led activity we looked at scissor control. We went to the sand
pit and became Paleontologist and we also looked at other textured books.
Our maths this week we looked at collections of natural resources
and how many more or fewer we had in our collections.
This week we have been looking at the book 'Hug'.
We have investigated using water play with natural resources, train tracks with different
ramps and tunnels and explored a variety of books.
In our adult led activities this week we have looked at our emotions and
how we feel. We made colour emotion jars to show our feelings
in colour. Also we looked at animal habits and where they come from.
Furthermore, we looked at the letters in the word ''Hug" and
the word format.
"Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"
This week we have been focusing on the song head, shoulders, knees and toes.
We have had lots of sticking, cutting and glueing during children interacted learning
time. The children have enjoyed being creative using different
In our adult led activities this week, we have been creative through dancing and singing.
We have also had a go at singing "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" in Polish with
the help from Mrs M. We counted our body parts and we went on
a body hunt around the garden in groups.
Second week- Settling in
Another week of settling in with new friends and meeting new families.
The children have enjoyed exploring all the setting and our shared garden area.
During our adult led activities, we looked at how tall and small each child was to create
a height tree, we found different ways to make numbers to form
a number line, we found different leaves from outside to create our own
season leaves and we looked at our families and drew family portraits.
First week - Settling in
This week we have welcomed our new friends and families to Greenfields. We have been getting to
know everyones likes, interests and things they enjoy.
We have explored the rooms and outside area
finding all of the new exciting resources.
As part of our adult led activity we got to know each other, explored books and used musical instruments.