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Term 6

Sports Week

Year 6 have had great fun this week, exploring a number of different sports!


American Football


Beat the Teacher

Cooking and nutrition

This term we will be exploring cooking and nutrition. We will begin by researching seasonality, and how this links to the importing and exporting of certain foods. We will then use this knowledge to research recipes for vegetarian Cornish Pasties, before moving on to having a go at making them ourselves. 

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

Term 5

Ancient Greece

For our first Learning Experience of this term we will be looking at the Ancient Greeks. We will be exploring this topic using a number of enquiries to explore who the Ancient Greeks were, where they lived and what they believed. We will also be looking at how they were governed, the Olympic Games and the impact all of this has had on our lives today. 

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

Ancient Greece

Today we were investigating the questions: who were the Ancient Greeks, where did they live, and what do artefacts tell us about life in Ancient Greece?

Term 4


Our third Learning Experience of the term is orienteering. To begin, we will be virtually exploring areas of the UK. We will be using technology to use satellite imagery and Google Maps, as well as taking a virtual tour of London, to identify and compare what human and physical features we can find. We will also be having a look at the geographical timeline of the UK, seeing how it has changed over time. Once we have understood the geographical features of the UK, we will learn how to use different tools such as compasses and maps during fieldwork to help us navigate, building on our previous knowledge. To put all of this into practice, we also have a fantastic trip to Bedgebury at the end of the learning experience, where we can use our skills, applying them to some real orienteering.

This term we are also taking part in orienteering during our PE lessons!

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.


Today we created a timeline of how Britain's physical and human geography has changed over time. 


We have been exploring Google Maps, identifying physical and human features in places across Britain, comparing the similarities and differences.


For our next Learning Experience we will be looking at the classification of living organisms. We will begin by researching some of these organisms and looking at their similarities and differences. We shall then look at the work of Carl Linnaeus and his method for classifying living things. Taking his work on board, we shall then look at branching diagrams and the different questions we can ask in order to successfully classify our organisms. To end, we shall then be creating some of our own branching diagrams in order to classify groups of living things. 

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.



During this Learning Experience we will be learning how to make a doorbell. To begin we will be choosing our target audience and creating a design which would suit. Then, we will plan and design our doorbell using cross-sectional and exploded diagrams. Once we have done this we shall be creating the circuit and the casing for the doorbell. Our Learning Experience will then finish by evaluating our product and creating an advertisement. 

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.


Take a look at some of our creations!

Wiring our doorbells!

Term 3


During our final Learning Experience of the tern, we will be developing our understanding of the religion of Islam. We will be looking 3 main questions. Who is a Muslim and what do they believe? Is it better to express yourself in art and architecture or charity and generosity? What does it mean to be Muslim in Britain today? In addition, we will be taking a trip to the local Mosque to help further our understanding.  

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.


Palm Knowledge

Art and Charity


The Five Pillars

Web Design (A Spider's Favourite Job!)

For our next learning experience this term, we will build on our knowledge of HTML and webpages, to design and build our very own website. First we will have a look at different websites, before evaluating and discussing their use and design. We will be using a program called Just2Easy to build our websites on a topic of our choosing. We will have the opportunity to explore Just2Easy before designing our website and beginning the building process! 

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

Web Design

Take a look at our trip to the Science Museum!


During this learning experience, we will be learning about electricity. We will start by looking at what electricity is and the different ways of producing electricity. We will then learn what the different components of a circuit are and how they are drawn scientifically. We will have an opportunity to experiment and create different circuits and investigate what could happen if different components are added or taken away. To Further our understanding of electricity, during our learning experience we will has be having a trip to the London Science Museum.

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.


Once we had learnt all about circuits, we had to investigate whether different circuit drawings would work in real life. If they did not we then had to use our resources to fix them so that they worked.

Today we looked at the differences between a series circuit and a parallel circuit. We then created some of our own!

Term 2

3D Set Design

During this Learning Experience, we will be learning different art and crafting skills which we will be applying when we create a replica of a set from Harry Potter. To begin, we will be going to Harry Potter Warner Brother Studios! Then, we will use the inspiration we gain from our trip and from Harry Potter set designer, Stewart Craig together with our newly gained art skills, to develop our sets. 

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

3D Set Design

As part of our learning experience, we visited the Harry Potter Warner Brother Studios!

We be-lung together, you aorta believe it!

In our first Learning Experience of Term 2, we will be learning all about the human body. To begin, we will be looking at the different organs in a human body and where they can be found. We will then look closely at the circulatory system, the organs that are part of this system and their purpose. During this Learning Experience we will have an exciting visit from an explorer dome. Looking closer at each of the organs, we will take part in a dissection of a heart. To finish, we will move on to the digestive system as well as learn about the effects of drugs, alcohol and healthy eating can have on our bodies.

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

Human Body



The Journey of a Red Blood Cell!

What is blood? 

Today, we looked at the parts of the heart. We then got to dissect some real sheep's hearts in order to find all the parts.  

Today we looked at the organs in the body as well as the circulatory system. 

To start our Learning Experience we had a visit from an Explorer Dome!

Term 1

Money, Money, Money!

For our final Learning Experience of the term, we are learning all about money. During this, we will be exploring the different elements included in housing, shopping, banking and accessing money. We will then be ending this Learning Experience by having a go at planning our own budget to see how successfully we could run a household. 

This afternoon we looked at banking and the different ways you can store, save and spend money. 


Today we were investigating the questions:

What does a shop cost? Why might this differ from family to family? What could you do to improve budgets and make your money go further?


Today we were looking at what a house costs, different areas with different budgets as well as different forms of housing such as rent compared to a mortgage. 


During our next Learning Experience, we are learning about Hyper-text Markup Language (HTML). We will be using our knowledge of this to create our own webpages about one of the natural disasters we previously looked at in our last Learning Experience. To aid us in this, we will be including images, hyperlinks and embedded websites.

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.


The Earth-Quakes With Fear!

Our second Learning Experience of this term will be all about natural disasters. We will begin by learning about the different layers of the earth and the tectonic plates and how this can influence natural disasters. We will then focus on specific natural disasters including volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis. Identifying what they are, why they might happen and the impact they have. 

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

Natural Disasters



Similarly to earthquakes, we investigated how movement of the Earth's crust can also impact our oceans, creating Tsunamis. 


After learning about the tectonic plates, we investigated more about how they move and what this can mean for us living on the Earth's crust. Looking at the different ways the plates can move, we identified the impact of different earthquakes and how these can be measured. 

Tectonic Plates

We looked at a map of the world which showed us where the tectonic plates were and what they are all called. We then learnt that these plates move and learnt about Alfred Wegener's theory of Pangaea. 

Layers of the Earth

Today we learnt about the layers of the Earth and its properties. 

Murderous Maya!

Our first learning experience this term is all about the Ancient Maya. We will begin our learning experience with a workshop. During this workshop we will learn all about different Maya artefacts as well as the sport Pok-a-tok. We will then be moving on to create a Maya timeline as well as looking at where in the world the Maya region could be found. Looking deeper into the Maya and how they lived, we shall explore their number system, calendar, religion, hierachy and general life. 

For more information about the curriculum objectives we will be covering, click on the link below.

Maya Knowledge Organiser

Maya Calendar 


Today we had a look at the Mesoamerica map and identified where some of the major cities during Maya times could have been found. 

We began our Learning Experience with a Maya workshop! Below you will tell you all about our day along with some great pictures showing what we got up to!

Have a look at some of the amazing head and neck dresses that we made!



During our workshop we also took part in a number of activities. The first activity was a Maya quiz!

During our second activity, we played a game of Pok-a-tok!

When playing Pok-a-tok, you have to keep the ball in play without using your hands or feet!

Lastly, we had a look at some Maya artefacts and learnt about what they were and why the Maya people used them. 

In the afternoon we were able to learn about Maya dancing, and even have a go at doing some ourselves!


Finally, we ended our day learning all about the Maya sacrifice!