Welcome to Peach Tree Class.
Term 6
A warm welcome back from half-term to all our peaches and parents. The children have all settled back in very quickly this week and the warm weather has helped us enjoy and explore outside learning alot more. Our nursery rhyme focus this week has been Twinkle Twinkle little star and the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning the words and singing this. Our art area has been filled with star-shaped painting, star printing in foam and sensory bags filled with stars and gel. Our home corner has been popular this week with children making lunch and teas for their friends. Water play (making lemonade) is also in full swing with the lovely weather we have had this week and our outside environments have seen the majority of Peach children choosing to do their learning.
Cant you sleep little bear-
Our book this week has been about a little bear who cannot go to sleep. Peaches have enjoyed the story and the activities/ environments around it. Our art area consisted of bear head making, lantern creating and bear colouring using paint dobbers. Our home corner is always a favourite with real food to practice our cutting skills and to make dinners for our friends. We even learn some colours and shapes on the interactive screen. The highlight of the week has to be making our teddy bear shortbreads, lying on a chocolate pillow and wrapped in puff pastry.
5 Little Ducks-
Peach trees this week have been exploring the song "5 Little Ducks" by counting, being creative with musical instruments and exploring different textures. Peach trees also got to use different materials from the real world to expand learning. During child initiated learning, peach trees used investigation skills to explore water, colours, real herbs for texture. Also peach trees used play dough to discover different size foot prints to different size dinosaurs. Peach tree also had the opportunity to create a musical shaker and duck food to take home and share their experiences with family.
The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch-
Our story this week was 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. Peach Tree, explored the book in many ways through building a lighthouse using different materials, making sandwiches and icing biscuits. Peach trees also had the opportunity to experiment with different water tuff trays with sea animals, textures and being creative with art materials and mark making. Peach trees spent lots of time outside in the sunshine, investigating outside areas.
There's a Monster in your book-
This week our focus story was 'There's a Monster in your book. Peach trees had the chance to explore, experiment and learn through different ways. Some peach trees created monster masks and pictures using different resources. Playdough was also used to make monsters and count how many features they have. Peach trees also went on a monster hunt in the garden. Numbers, tipping and pouring and IT skills were explored this week. Furthermore, scissor skills were practised during learning time.
Sports Week-
Sports week has been a very busy week with activities going on throughout the school. Peach trees had the opportunity to take part in sport activities. We went on a walk to mote park to explore the different climbing equipment. Peach trees went to the hall for soft play and to have a dance experience with Miss Parris. We played in the sand pit, cosmic yoga and music and movement. Peach trees also looked at healthy eating, so created fruit kebabs. Finally, we took part in a sponsored colour run. The children and staff enjoyed the colour run.
Little Red Riding Hood-
This is our final week of the school year and what a busy one it was. We had an Author in to celebrate reading challenges achieved over the year. Peach trees had a party with music and party food to celebrate the year. We also had transition mornings ready for September. We had bouncy castles which we had the chance to explore and have a go. This week we looked at Little Red Riding Hood. We created wolf masks, looked at all things red and used music instruments to express how we may feel while reading the story.
Term 5
Jack and the Bean Stalk-
Our story focus this week has been the story Jack and the bean stalk. Peaches got very creative this week with building dens, planting beans, decorating glittery eggs, making foam ice creams, and using different materials such as bubble wrap to paint with.
Dig Dig Digging-
This week our book has been about different transport/vehicles and what they do ie, diggers, trucks, rescue helicopter and Fire engines. We have been using our communication skills to discuss them all and their purpose and role playing the workers. Our sand area has been our construction site, we have had lots of fun with paints and vehicles and in our outside learning we have enjoyed using fresh foods to prepare and cook for our friends.
Spot the dog-
Peach trees have really enjoyed reading the different adventures of spot the dog, especially the story Spot loves nursery. We have been using our communication skills to compare what we have and do in nursery compared to Spot. We have been enjoying and making the most of the sunshine in outside learning with lots of water play, bikes and stories. Using our recognition and clever fingers to match numbers and carefully placing spots on our giant spot the dog with, paint dobbers.
Meg and Mog-
This week our learning focus has been around the book Meg and Mog. Peaches have enjoyed the many different tales of adventures that Meg and Mog take. In Art this week we have been using lots of clever fingers to create Megs hat and broom, also filling her cauldron with many things including worms and spiders. In our outside learning we have made witches potions and pasta dishes.
The Wheels on the bus-
This week we have been all working very hard on the nursery rhyme- The wheels on the bus. Peaches have thoroughly enjoyed practising, learning and remembering the song and actions. Our child initiated learning has been loosely based around transport. We have had fun building train tracks, using vehicles with paint for our mark making, using the bikes and dressing up in our outside learning and we even built a giant bus in the nursery garden.
Term 4
A big welcome back to all Peaches and parents and I hope you all had a fantastic Easter break. Peach Tree class have all settled back into nursery life really quickly and had an awesome week. This week our focus has been the Nursery rhyme- Row row row your boat, we have all enjoyed the song and movements. We have made paper boats, collages, and used lots of paint in art this week. Outside learning saw potion making and giant boat builds from lego. We even took a little trip up to the big school playground for some extra fun.
Five Minutes Peace
This week, Peach Trees have really enjoyed our book Five Minutes Peace and the activities based around it. We have been very creative using our clever fingers with bubbles and foam. We have worked very hard trying to find the book's characters in sand and lentils and used our cutting and sticking skills to make our own collages and elephant pictures.
This Is The Bear
Our book this week has been This Is The Bear and Peach Trees have really enjoyed this story. We have had lots of teddy bears in our home corner this week, made cupcakes from playdough and even some fruit juice for the teddy bears to enjoy. Fine motor skills have been practised collecting coloured bears with tweezers or removing tape from them whilst stuck to the table. In our outside learning we have enjoyed using some of the PE equipment.
Ten Little Pirates
This week we have really enjoyed the book Ten Little Pirates. Peaches have been working on counting to ten using numbered rocks and coins. We have been learning with pirate ships in the sand and even hunting for treasure in orbeeze. In outside learning it has all been about our balancing skills, either on balance bikes or our obstacle courses.
Baa Baa Black Sheep
This week our focus has been the nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black sheep. We have used lots of different materials to make and decorate our sheep, we have also been practising our counting and colour sorting. In child initiated there has been lots of outside learning, dressing up and tea parties in our home corner.
Old Mcdonald Had A Farm
What a great first week back, all of Peach Trees have worked hard this week to get back into our routines. Our focus this week has been the nursery rhyme Old Mcdonald had a farm and the children have loved singing the song, learning all the different animals and their sounds. We have also had lots of outside learning with mud pies, obstacle courses, messy and wet play.
Term 3
What an amazing term we have all had in Peach Tree class. We have welcomed new families and have all settled in really well. We have been very busy this term with activities focused around our book of the week, nursery rhymes, and lots of child initiated play.
Fox's Socks
Peaches enjoyed Fox's socks activities, using their creative skills with lots of painting and mark making with dobbers.
Three Little pigs
Peaches used alot of different materials to build and paint houses for the Three little pigs, we really enjoyed reading this book and recreating the story.
Nursery Rhymes
Our Nursery rhymes this term were Incy Wincy spider and Five Little Monkeys jumping on the bed, the children have loved learning the actions and words to these. We also made the most of the nice weather with lots of outside learning.
Dear Zoo and Poo In The Zoo
We absolutely loved these books and the activities based around them. Peaches enjoyed lots of cratfs with glue, paint and coloured rice. We also prepared lots of different foods for our Zoo animals in outside learning.
Term 2
Week 6
We hosted our first stay and play in Peaches this week. I was so pleased to see so many of the parents attend. The children loved showing them around the nursery and of course performing our Christmas song, The Reindeer Pokey.
Week 6
Christmas has arrived in Peach Tree Class. We have been making lots of lovely festive crafts, singing carols, learning actions to our class song - The Reindeer Pokey.
Week 5
Peaches had the amazing opportunity to see and touch lots of creepy crawlies this week. I was so proud of all of Peach tree children they was all so brave to touch and say hello to the snake, giant snail, stick insect and spider.
Our last story for the term has been - The brave little penguin.
After reading the story we did lots of learning about ice, penguins and snow. The children made penguins, printed penguin foot prints, made iceberg scenes and helped free fish from ice cubes.
Week 4
We have been focusing on two songs this week - Wind the bobbin up and Humpty Dumpty.
The children have had great fun learning the songs, building walls for Humpty, putting plasters on poor Humpty to make him better, winding cardboard bobbins and printing with Lego to create amazing artwork.
Week 3
Our story this week has been The three billy goats
Peaches did lots of trip trapping over the bridge, colouring and painting goats and trolls, moving like goats and following the story.
Week 2
This weeks main story has been Titch.
The children in Peaches enjoyed listening to the story, creating scenes from the story and getting sticky making kites.
Week 1
Wow, what a first week back Peach tree children have had. Our focus story has been - Guess how much I love you. We also celebrated Halloween and Bonfire night. We have had a very busy but amazing start to Term 2, just look at some of our photos.
Guess how much I love you learning.
Bonfire Night
Squirrel watching.
We have had the pleasure of having two squirrels visit our garden this week. The children have loved watching them play and eat in the garden.
Term 1
Week 7
This weeks focus is around the song - if you are happy and you know it.
Peach tree class have had lots of fun learning the song, colouring hand pictures, talking about emotions and using different resources to decorate face pictures. At the end of the week we used different musical instruments to play along with the song.
Week 6
This week's focus story was the traditional ugly duckling.
We watched a video of a duckling hatching from its egg. We made fluffy feathery duck pictures, used paint dabbers to decorate a duck, matched the correct coloured egg with the egg cup and made paper plate ducks.
Week 5
Our focus story this week is- Thats not my dinosaur.
Peach tree class learnt some of the very funny and tricky names of the dinosaurs, we painted dinosaur pictures, learnt a dinosaur song and dance and colour sorted dinosaurs in the sensory tray.
Week 4
Our focus story this week was - Hugasaurus.
Peach tree children have had a lot of fun listening to the story, learning different dinosaur names, painting dinosaur pictures and using plastic dinosaur to print with.
Week 3
Peach tree learning was based around the story - Hugs. We had a look at some of the basic emotions, made happy and sad face pictures, painted hearts and learnt a hug song.
Week 2
This week's learning has been based around the very popular song - heads shoulders knees and toes. As well as learning the song and it's actions we have been doing lots fantastic learning. Peaches learnt some of the different parts of their bodies, got to make funny characters with Mr Potato heads, they created faces using loose parts and made footprints with paint, which was very ticklish.
Week 1
Peaches have had an amazing first week in class. We have been blown away at how fast they have all settled into nursery life. They have had great fun exploring all areas of the nursery, made new friends and have already started to learn new skills.