Our PSHE themes for this term's assemblies are as follows...
Year R Learning
Year R have spent some time learning all about Diwali this term.
UKS2 PSHE Learning Experience - Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
UKS2 spent their week-long learning experience investigating all the dangers and risks associated with drug use and misuse.
Across school, we paid our respects to fallen soldiers from wars gone by.
LKS2 Themed Week - Environment
Years 3 and 4 spent the week looking at the environment, including pollution, urbanisation and development, deforestation and water scarcity. At the start of the week, they took part in a workshop and at end of the week, they presented their findings to the other classes.
Nursery Learning
Nursery have been celebrating Christmas, caring for Humpty Dumpty and thinking about helping with 'The Little Red Hen'.
Our PSHE themes for this term's assemblies are as follows...
UKS2 PSHE Themed Week- Money
Year 5 and 6 spent some time learning all about money for their first PSHE themed week. They looked at mortgages, taxes, ways to earn money, ways to safely borrow and save and how to create a monthly budget.
LKS2 PSHE Learning Experience - Internet Safety and Harm
Year 3 and 4 spent some time learning about online relationships and being safe as part of the RSE curriculum. Check out their amazing work!
Nursery Learning
Our Nursery children have settled in really well and begun making positive relationships with their peers and room adults. They have also completed some fantastic learning about a range of festivals and cultural celebrations like Halloween and bonfire night, talked about different emotions and where babies come from. What an exciting start!
Year R Learning
Apples and Cherries have also settled in to school brilliantly and are making lots of new friends. They have also learnt about 'The Rainbow Fish' and the importance of being a good friend and 'Aliens Love Underpants' where they discussed keeping our bodies safe.