Light and Shadow
Over the next week, Maple’s new learning experience will be light and shadow. In particular, we will look at classifying types of light sources, and then move onto shadows, looking at the differences in shadows between translucent, transparent and opaque objects. Finally, we will investigate what affects the size of the shadow.
Over the next two weeks, we will learn how to write, program and debug algorithms on a Micro:bit. We learn how to input simple algorithms that use variables to create a specific output. Once we have mastered creating algorithms, we will learn how to connect to the Micro:bit device via Bluetooth and download and execute our programs.
Skeletons and Muscles
Over the next 2 weeks, we will be learning to identify different types of bones in the human body and their function. We will explore the skeletons of different types of animals to determine to answer our key question: Are all skeletons the same? Then, we will look at how muscles and joints work together to allow our bodies to move in the way they do.
Human Sculpture
During this Learning experience, we will be focusing on human sculpture. We will identify features of a human sculpture, including shapes and lines and human form. We have discussed and studied the work of two artists, Emily Motto and Anthony Gormley, and will be involved in a workshop from Emily Motto herself. Maples will be visiting the Turner Art Gallery in Margate, where we will see work by both Anya Gallaccio and Anthony Gormley. Finally, we will create our very own free-standing human sculpture out of wire, clay and recyclable materials.
Being a good citizen
During this learning experience, we will explore what it means to be a good citizen and how this links to our school values, British Values and the law set out in our country. We will look at the age of criminal responsibility in the UK and what might happen if you break the law. Finally, we will find out about human rights and what to do if they have been infringed.
Three Little Birds
During this learning experience, we will explore the song 'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley. We will appraise the song, compare it with another of Bob Marley's songs. After learning to sing the song, we will also look at composing it and performing it on a glockenspiel.
Stone Age to Iron Age
During this learning experience, we will explore what life was like during the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages. We will explore how humans survived by investigating what houses looked like, what food was available and where communities of humans settled. We will also look at how bronze and iron changed the lives of early humans. Additionally, we are very excited to be heading off to Kent Life for a Stone Age work shop day to enhance our learning. Finally, we will use our learning to answer the question: Would you rather have lived in the Stone, Bronze or Iron Age?
Over the next two weeks, Maples will be deepening their learning about Christianity using different sources, such as reading extracts from the Christian holy text, studying artwork and hearing first-hand accounts from members of the Christian religion. We will use this information to help us answer three key questions, which are:
- What do Christians believe about God?
- Why do Christians pray?
- What does it mean to be a Christian today?
Cooking and Nutrition
This week, we have been learning about the importance of a balanced diet. We have learnt about where our food comes from and how sustainable our food is due to food miles and packaging. Then, we learnt how to cut vegetables safely before going off to New Line Academy to prepare and cook our own ratatouille.
This week, we will build on our internet harm and safety learning as we learn how to create an informative book about online safety. During this week, we will learn how to change the page background, add images and texts and hyperlinks to join pages.
We have started to use Keynotes to make our ebooks.
Internet Safety and Harm
This week we will be learning about the positives and negatives of the internet. We will explore the impact of excessive screen time and the benefits of limiting this. Furthermore, we will investigate what fake news is and how to spot it.
We analysed new stricken in order to identify the real news and the fake news.
Country Comparison
Over the next 3 weeks, we are going to be learning some important atlas skills to help us locate different cities and counties in the UK. In week 2, we are off on a cruise of the River Medway to explore the human and physical features of our town, and we will learn how to conduct fieldwork. Then, we will spend some time exploring the geographical features of London and comparing it to a city in European country.
We finally got to go on our trip on The Kentish Lady and explore the human and physical features of Maidstone.
We explored the landmarks of London and we recreated them in our classroom.
We used an interactive map to locate the regions and counties of the UK.
To kick-start our learning experiences this year, we will be learning how forces work. We will explore how magnets attract some types of metal by classifying objects made from different materials. Then we will investigate the impact of different shoes on different floor surfaces. Finally, we'll explore the impact of gravity and air resistance on the rate at which objects fall.
We used paper helicopters to explore gravity and air resistance.
Once we had learnt about friction, we investigated the amount of friction caused by different surfaces.
We discovered that magnets have a North and South pole and only the opposite poles attract. We also investigated which materials are magnetic and which are not.