Across the school, we looked at ways to remember those who have fallen in battle, protecting us. Some incredible Year 6 children also represented us at the Remembrance Parade in Maidstone.
Term Two Assembly Themes
UKS2 Aspiration Week
UKS2 had a week long learning experience around aspirations and how this would support their future career goals. They had a great time with a range of guest speakers who were grilled about their roles and how they got there.
Year R- Funny Bones
Year R spent a week learning how to improve their self-help and personal hygiene skills in order to ensure they are heathy and strong, based on the Book ' Funny Bones'.
Pear - Adults and babies
Nursery spent some time looking at the book, 'There's a House inside My Mummy' by Giles Andrews, discussing about babies and sharing what their families looked like.
Peach and Plum - Hugasaurus
Peach trees read the book 'Hugasaurus' and used this to work out how to best solve friendship issues and show kindness.
LKS2 - Internet Safety and Harm
LKS2 spent some time learning about the ways in which they could keep themselves safer on the internet.
Year R - Meesha Makes Friends
Year R spent a week learning about friendship, using the book, 'Meesha Makes Friends'. They spent lots of time considering what it meant to be a good friend as they started their school journey. They then worked hard to apply this in their learning time as they learnt to work together and share their new environment.
Peach and Plum - Hug
Peach trees learnt about the book 'Hug' and shared different emotions they knew about and how we can show them.
Pear - Settling in
Pear trees had a great time settling into their environments on their first day and learning to make new friends.